Sedca-Ceutics iStressedOut - (Lower Cortisol) - 90 Chew Tabs 3+ $34.95/ea
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iStressedOut is formulated to lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels in the body.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size : 1 tablet
Soy Phosholipids 161 mg
(Phosphatidyl Serine, Phosphatidyl Choline)
DMAE Bitartrate 25mg
iStressedOut is one of the best products for athletes. If you're lifting weights and lots of them, cortisol may be literally eating away at your muscle building potential.
Cortisol is also a sleep-cycle regulator. It spikes in the morning to wake you up and should gradually decrease during the day. If cortisol fails to spike, the individual is groggy. If it does not decrease in the evening, the individual will have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- Incomplete recovery from workouts and games
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Difficulty waking up
- Never feel well rested
- Ligament laxity (loose joints)
- Difficulty losing weight
- Fatigue / Tired
- Sugar cravings
- Trouble concentrating
- Bright lights bothering your eyes
- Light headed and dizzy
- Heart palpitations
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Preferring and craving salty foods
Craving Tenderness on web of finger between 4th and 5th digit
Simply lowering cortisol levels with iStressedOut can do wonders! Many times, iStressedOut will work even more effectively with an adrenal support product.
iStressedOut is a unique chewable product designed to support your ability to focus and concentrate. This happens by nourishing important biological pathways that affect cognition. The main ingredients of iStressedOut arePhosphatidylserine (PS) and Dimenthylaminoethanol(DMAE).
PS, sometimes referred to as the “ brain nutrient”, is aphospholipid found in all cells. However, the highest concentration of PS is found in brain cells. PS has been shown to support cognitive function, emotional wellbeing, and behavioral performance. This is achieved by restoring cell membrane composition. Increasing the supply of PS to the brain supports acetylcholine synthesis which supports consolidation of long term memory.*
DMAE can enhance mental concentration and support brain metabolism and can naturally be found in fish. DMAE acts as a building block for the neurotransmitteracetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a natural molecule associated with focus and concentration.* DMAEcombined with PS in iStressedOut can be used daily for brain and neurotransmitter support.
*These statements have not been evaluated but the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.