
Posted by VesPro Blog on 20th May 2024

Vespro C Factor Ester C Skin Renewal Serum

VesPro C Factor Skin Serum formula is a leader in anti-aging skin care. C-Factor's Formula combines these cutting edge ingredients:Ester-C® - A Technological BreakthroughPycnogenol® - Maintains S …

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Posted by VesPro on 19th May 2024

What is BioProtein Plus and why should I take it?

Answer: BioProtein-Plus is a specially formulated thymus supplement that is designed to support and improve immune system function. The thymus gland plays a key role in the immune system by relea …

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Posted by VesPro on 17th Feb 2022

Why Monolaurin and Olive leaf Extract?

Not only is Monolaurin included on the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) list, but it may, by virtue of its source of origin, be safer than many other food supplements that are designed to boost the …

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